Michelle Stauffer, PT, DPT, NBC-HWC (she/her)

Services offered:

PT: trauma-informed, LGBTQIA+ friendly physical therapy, mobile in-home or telehealth services, dry needling, individualized and tapered exercise plans, and health wellness coaching

Health consult: trauma-informed, LGBTQIA+ friendly health wellness coaching, telehealth phone consults, stress management training, acute/chronic pain management, and small-business wellness webinars

Dr. Michelle Stauffer, PT, DPT, NBC-HWC (she/her) is a doctor of physical therapy and national board certified health wellness coach. She specializes in working with the LGBTQIA+ population, as a member of the community herself. Michelle understood from a young age, going to physical therapy herself, how you must view the body as a whole and not just the injured tissue in front of you.

Coast 2 Coast Wellness was built on working with individuals from all walks of life, and viewing them through all pillars of wellness, not just the musculoskeletal injury that brought them to Michelle for physical therapy. Facilitating a trauma-informed approach to care, and meeting people where they are, Dr. Michelle runs a mobile physical therapy practice in the Denver Metro Area.

Dr. Michelle has experience treating a wide variety of ailments through her experiences working in rural areas (including on reservations), in hospital ICUs, and in sports clinics. Treatment plans and sessions are each geared individually to the client's needs and goals set forth at the initial session.

Dr. Michelle complemented her physical therapy practice with her health wellness coaching. Completing virtual and phone consults for those looking to find accountability and guidance with a health wellness change. Individuals seek such services for sleep management, stress management, acute or chronic pain management, nutrition, exercise, etc.